
സ്വതന്ത്ര പത്രപ്രവര്‍ത്തനത്തിന്‌ ഒരാമുഖം

A day for Women : March 8

Amitha A


Today, we hear a lot about women’s safety, protection and equality. We celebrate women’s day on 8th March every year. Women’s day has a history of 100 years. But there were not a specific day till 1975. After 1975, we started celebrating women’s day on 8th March.  Even after celebrating it for a century, we still are talking about equality, rights, protection etc.

Are women safe in God’s own country? From Suryanelli case to the recent case of two sisters in Walayar who were raped and murdered are the answer. If we look into the victims of rapes and abuses, the age of victims tells us a big story.  From small babies to aged women are included in the list. Women are treated only as sexual objects.  During women’s day and after, we should think about that the power of law, legal proceedings and justice.

Justice is being denied to victims most of the time. The law sometimes succumbs to pressure. The law should strictly enforced and we should create a law abiding citizens.  Then only women can fearlessly walk or work in a society freely.  If that is the case they need  not afraid of the vulture eyes in the society. But the reality in just the opposite. Attacks against women still continues. The trial is not fair, since there is no evidence at all in these case. Speedy trial and punishment to the culprits will really reduce the crimes against women.

Women are not at all an inferior sex. She has proved that she can do better. Gone are the belief that says only men are powerful. Now women are doing every job from leading a notion to flying planes. They serve in the army, police, they work as teachers and scientists. Instead of creating a rift between men and women. We must try for a more egalitarian society. 

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