
സ്വതന്ത്ര പത്രപ്രവര്‍ത്തനത്തിന്‌ ഒരാമുഖം

A Short Film About Love (1988): An analysis

Rugmini Dinu

A Short Film About Love, directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski is one of his many masterpieces. Though voyeurism is a celebrated concept in many movies to indulge the audience in a circle of mystery, here, the concept is used with a rather ‘innocent’ motif. 

The story revolves around Tomek and his love interest, Magda. Tomek is a young boy who is a student. He lives in a world of his, keeping himself busy working in a post office. The interesting aspect of his life is when he gets to see Magda, living in the opposite apartment through his telescope! The audience might even misunderstand his act to be ominous as he regularly trains his telescope lens towards her apartment at 8 o’clock when she is back from work.  

Later on, we realize the love of Tomek towards Magda in many instances is pure. Through Tomek and Magda, the director brilliantly portrays the contrasting idea of love and lust. 

In one meeting of Tomek and Magda, things take a turn that changes the lives of the characters. Magda creates a tumult in the mind of the protagonist who has a virtuous intention of loving her. Following a subsequent incident, Magda is left with guilt, and the roles of the lover and loved change.  According to the sources, there are two endings created  

A short film about love is a part of the series created by Kieslowski, in the name of Dekalog ( Ten commandments). This is based on Dekalog 6, which is “Thou shalt not commit adultery”. Although the knowledge of the commandment never felt necessary to comprehend the movie. Dekalog 5 and 6, A short film about killing and a short film about love are extended and made to feature films. Undoubtedly, Dekalog is considered a legendary mark in World Cinema. 

The crisp acting of the actors in the film is commendable. Tomek is played by  Olaf Lubaszenko and Grazyna Szapolowska who bagged numerous awards for her performance in the movie has performed the role of the 30-year-old Magda wonderfully. In an interview, she has acknowledged that the shooting was indeed difficult as there was no knowledge about where the camera was placed.  

Kieslowski movies are unusual and charming in their way which never fails to leave a mark on the minds of the audience. A Short Film About Love is received as a love story. But it has a lot of layers to be studied like any other Kieslowski-movies. 

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